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Saturday, May 12, 2012

1/3 Of All Food Produced Each Day is Thrown Away Instead of Being Donated to the Hungry

People are hungry and starving in the United States.
We are throwing away over 1/3 of all food produced each day, and creating anti-compassion, anti-empathy laws that boggle each loving person's soul.
It is time for mandatory food rescue, it is time for mandatory food give out stations
It is time to make it illegal not to share food with the hungry. With this new Law we can totally eradicate all hunger in the United States within 24 hours of it being mandated.
With this free up of money now spent to feed our hungry ( yes you heard right this solution costs absolutely Nothing, no money), we can take the money we are spending on feeding our hungry and spend it around the world to help the world eradicate all hunger.
This is too easy and too simple of a solution to overlook.
It's simplicity is sheer beauty.
What can you do?